agm monday november 11th 6:30pm Witney lakes
Witney Lakes Resort
Downs Road,
OX29 0SY
16th February 2024 - password to Members only pages has been updated, see your Newsletter sent by email (check your inbox and Spam folder) for the new password
March River Usk Fishing Trip - fully subscribed - 7 places booked
14th December, 2023
The Crown, Woodstock, OX20 1TE
Starting at 7:30PM, all welcome. We have booked a function room and would love to see you there. Come along and chat about the season past, plans for next year and meet your local members.
Ideas for future events most welcome. It's your club, so please help us to help you and provide opportunities to build the club spirit and welcome new members.
AGM - Held AT 7-30pm on Monday 13th November 2023 at Witney Lakes
The AGM, held at Witney Lakes was very well attended and provided a great opportunity to meet and discuss the members' needs and concerns. You will see a number of initiatives as a result of the free discussion session, once the club's administration was speedily dealt with.
We would like to improve the web site, and to that end we would welcome pictures of your fishing trips, commentary on favourite beats etc. Fish caught are perhaps less interesting than the people catching them, please handle fish carefully if you are photographing them.
At the AGM in 2023 there was a clear message from the membership - improve the communication and membership interaction. Addressing this request comes in two stages - the improvement of the web site and the appointment of an events officer. Jan will contacting members throughout the year to discuss their needs and to find out what sort of activities you would like to join in with. The Facebook page will include surveys to help prioritise the suggestions.
This page will be continuously updated with details of the latest events. Our first foray is a drinks evening, see below. Primarily aimed at the members living local to Woodstock, all are welcome. If you would like to host a similar event, and perhaps volunteer as a local point of contact for members, then do drop us a line to chat through your ideas with Jan.